Teatime with a Medium

...a show about wellness, healing, and communicating with the afterlife, brought to you by Angeline Young, broadcasting positive & upbeat insights on Life after Life and...

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Teatime with a Medium

Curious about talking to "dead" people? You've come to the right place!

"Teatime with a Medium" is a podcast about wellness, healing, and communicating with the afterlife... we release new episodes every two weeks. Our style is a mix of audio-diary, mediumship lessons, and interviews exploring various topics related to wellness, healing, and transition... brought to you by Angeline Young, Ph.D., broadcasting positive & upbeat insights on Life after Life. 

If you’d like to collaborate with us, or if you’d like to hear us cover a topic of interest, we’d love to hear from you!

Give us a call and leave a message at 520-789-6248.

If you’d like a reading, visit AngelineYoung.com to schedule a time.

Remember: Be yourself, seek the truth, and the road will unfold before you.


Sunday May 28, 2023

Are you carrying around guilt and shame related to your loved one's passing? Great news! My Spirit Guides have a message for you, so that you can begin to move forward in unconditional self-love and spiritual development.

Saturday May 27, 2023

Curious to know what your "difficult" loved one has to you?
Listen to this podcast and find out!
(It's not what you think!)

Thursday May 04, 2023

Do you believe that mediums can bring you the specific loved you request to hear from? Not all of them can...listen and learn about how to increase your chances...and how to distinguish between decent mediums and mediums who can take your requests!

Thursday May 04, 2023

Interested in mediumship?
Here's a FREE mini-lesson!
+ Learn 4 basic terms you NEED to know!
+ Sound like an "expert" when you explain it to others!
+ Satisfy your curiosity with this easy-listening, mediumship lesson!

Thursday May 04, 2023

**I added a few surprise gems of knowledge that'll help you understand how, what, and why! 

Tuesday Apr 25, 2023

In this video, I answer a listener's question: Why is Spirit stronger right after passing? Why is it that loved ones come through more forcefully right after they transition to the other side?

Monday Apr 24, 2023

In this video, we talk about dream visitations from our departed loved ones in Spirit. Why haven't you heard from them? How might you change that?
My name is Angeline Young - evidence-based medium, teacher, and creator of the Connected Guidance system for healing after loss. Visit me at AngelineYoung.com



Angeline Young, MFA, PhD is a professional, evidence-based medium, spiritual intuitive, and U.S. Fulbright alumna. She offers a rare service that most mediums cannot—she takes requests to bring you the specific person you ask for. Readings are confidential and without judgement. Angeline can connect you with:

  • departed people & pets

  • people living with dementia & Alzheimer’s

  • people in coma

  • those transitioning to the other side

  • Spirit Guides for in-depth guidance

Compassionate Mediumship is a POC, woman-run business; we are LGBTQ+ friendly, non-sectarian, and we welcome all walks of life. Angeline grew up in a Buddhist, Doaist household where meditation and honoring ancestors was a common practice; there is nothing scary about talking to your loved ones on the other side!


Angeline Young, MFA, PhD, U.S. Fulbright Alumna Evidential Medium & Spiritual Intuitive

Website: //angelineyoungmedium.com/

Testimonials: //angelineyoungmedium.com/testimonials

Facebook: //www.facebook.com/MediumAngelineYoung

Instagram: //www.instagram.com/mediumangelineyoung/

Podcast: //aymedium.podbean.com/

Email: AYmedium@gmail.com

A BIG thank you to Alexander Liberato, who created the cover art for this podcast.

Learn more about Alex here: //alcyonereserve.com/alex-liberato/

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